Felan Painting LLC Services
Interior Painting
When a client is considering interior painting we understand that you are as unique as your home. Each individual has a preference and a desire to present an atmosphere that will make the statement they desire for a home or a room.
Preparation cannot be ignored or overlooked. Our crews are trained in the procedures needed to give you the results you desire.
Finish application methods are varied according to the surface, colors, desired texture and the end results you desire.
Exterior Painting
A client considering exterior painting has many options. Felan Painting LLC can transform exterior surfaces to the color you desire. Lasting exterior finishes require proper preparation and finish methods that can be provided by our crews.
If you have wood, vinyl, T-1 11 siding, brick or concrete - we can complete the job! As an EPA lead certified firm we can ensure that the proper precautions are taken as required by federal law. Our crews are experienced in lead preparation and safe removal of particles after job completion
We are happy to provide consultation to our clients offering them the information needed to choose a product that will be lasting and durable for the type of project and end result desired.
Pressure Washing
Pressure washing has many purposes. Most exterior surfaces need a thorough cleaning prior
to an application of a product. This will ensure optimal adhesion, penetration and durability.
Removing mold and dirt on a regular basis can prevent tough stains on roofs, siding and other surfaces. Pressure washing walkways, decks and stairs to remove moss or mold growth will help prevent slip and fall hazards and will keep your gutters clean.
Mold, mildew, dirt and grime are present on many surfaces. This can cause discoloration and deterioration of the surface. Regular cleaning prevents this build up and enhances your homes
Gutter Cleaning / Screen Installation
Plugged gutters can cause problems for your home. If water does not drain properly it may spill out causing damage to your yard or if left unresolved can damage a foundation. Other common problems include the formation of ice dams, ice slip hazards and other damage during cold weather months.
Other Services
Felan Painting LLC provides services for:
Commercial Businesses
Multi-Unit Housing
Medical Arts
Dental Offices
Places of Worship
Health and Fitness Clubs
Specialty Coatings
Pressure Washing
We understand the need to keep your business and home life running smooth during any project. We are happy to schedule jobs in a manner that is least disruptive to our clients.